Walter Hoye: And Baby Makes 11 for This Pro-Life Family

As we emerge from the 2019 holiday season into the wintery days of 2020, it’s amazing to see how quickly the cheer, sentimentality, and celebration of family fades away. Now that the bells of Christmas are silent, much of our nation has swung the pendulum from recognizing the birth of the baby Jesus to championing the cause of killing children in the womb through abortion.

But the story is not so dismal in every corner of America. Now, in the cold days of winter in Chicago, there is a warm glow emerging from the home and hearts of a family who has discovered that joy comes as a result of celebrating, honoring, and protecting what is real, what is enduring, and what lends to legacy. They celebrate the joy of children.

In Chicago, a young Black family is adding to its brood of beautiful children by welcoming their 11th child, a child born into a loving, caring, and altogether compassionate home where not just the parents, but the children, value life. With each new child, their hearts are filled with anticipation of sharing their lives with another person, one created uniquely with his or her own purpose. And in reality, their hearts are filled with a sense of responsibility to ensure that the new bundle of joy who will soon rest in their home and walk into a world where the child’s life is valued because he or she is a person.

With tears and shouts of joy, the children in this Chicago family recognize a new opportunity for connection, partnership, and growth — enjoying their new sibling as another expression of their parent’s love and their family’s precious stability.

I wasn’t there when the pregnancy announcement was made, but after watching the video through tear-filled eyes, I can tell you that this next generation is ready for pro-life parents. They don’t want to lose their siblings in the abortuaries that pose as healthcare solutions for women.

This next generation of teenagers is excited about the future as they pour into the lives of their younger siblings. There are boys who can’t wait to see their fathers lay their hands on the growing bulge in their mother’s belly and talk about the tremendous responsibility that he feels to cultivate a family filled with love, honor, and sacrifice.

Real joy, real family, are possibilities not only for one blessed family on the south side of Chicago, but for families who will choose to celebrate life, grateful for the news that a new life — a new person — is soon to arrive!


The Issues4Life Foundation’s Pro-Life|Pro-Family Initiative video series is based upon the biblical model for both life and family. Jamie and Tiffany Wells serve as the initiative’s representatives. Understanding that God is the author of life, this initiative will promote the sanctity of all human life (and in particular life in the womb) along with the blessings of family based on the biblical definition of marriage. Dr. Ashley W. Harrell serve as our Pro-Life|Pro-Family Initiative Director.


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One comment

  1. Wow! What a beautiful story. May God bless this wonderful family!