WATCH: A Congressman Just Compared His Corruption Charges To This NFL Scandal

Elected officials bear the responsibility of exercising their duties faithfully and with integrity. The American people have become jaded because of politicians’ broken promises and scandals. Rep. Chaka Fattah is only the latest. On Wednesday, the Democrat from Pennsylvania was indicted on racketeering and conspiracy charges, which include bribery and making unlawful campaign contributions. The Washington Times has the full story.

Rep. Fattah looked relaxed on camera and not embarrassed at all. A reporter, who the congressman greeted like an old friend after recognizing him, asked whether he planned to stay on Capitol Hill.

“Look, this is not Deflate-gate, all right?” Rep. Fattah said. “This is a normal [emphasis added] issue of which there are allegations after a very long-running eight-year investigation.”

A sitting congressman, an elected official in a position of trust, indicted on charges that could see him serving time in federal prison if convicted, just favorably compared his predicament to a professional football league scandal about deflated footballs.

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