WATCH: Dr. Ben Carson's Political Confession

If you round up a group of black conservatives and ask whether they used to be liberals, most probably would say yes. Dr. Ben Carson confesses that he used to be a liberal — a flaming liberal. He said he hopes what’s happening with Planned Parenthood will resonate with black Americans, along with the abortion mill’s history, including Margaret Sanger “and some of the attitudes that people had.”

Maybe more black Americans will stop and think about who they’re voting for and why.

Dr. Carson grew up in Detroit, “a liberal stronghold,” went to Yale University, “a liberal bastion,” and lived in other liberal cities.

“I probably would have continued…to drink the liberal Koolaid, except that I started seeing so many people in my practice who were dependent upon the government, who were able-bodied people. And I said, what in the world is going on here?”

The doctor started listening to President Ronald Reagan, a Republican, “which was a no-no…we were told that they were racist, horrible, bigoted people, that you should steer clear of them.” But Reagan didn’t sound racist, horrible, or bigoted. (I had a similar experience.)

Watch the brief clip to hear Dr. Carson explain what is “un-American.”

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