Watch What Leftist Politicians Do After Trump Awards Scholarship to Girl Stuck in Failing Government Schools

Featured photo credit: Megan Basham Twitter

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Archive: Black History Month — The Lost Lesson of Faith and Freedom

Originally published in February 2022. Why do we have Black History Month? This week on …


  1. There’s another “Black plantation” sleeping on our nation’s sidewalks this bitter cold winter.

  2. The democrats care nothing for minority communities with the exception of their vote.
    Washington politicians from these districts care nothing for the residents and are enamored by the power they wield as well as the profitability of their position.
    Unfortunately the voters in these districts are taken in by the huckster who promise the world and then make a beeline for their palatial estates or high class apartments in DC once they have their reelection secured.
    A long as the communities are mesmerized by the false promises of the democrat party there will never be change.

    • In inner city, too bad you can’t identify White “democrats” and “republicans” at first glance. Neither generally have issues of poverty on their respective agendas…except around election time of course.

  3. The democrats care nothing for minority communities with the exception of their vote.
    Washington politicians from these districts care nothing for the residents and are enamored by the power they wield as well as the profitability of their position.
    Unfortunately the voters in these districts are taken in by the huckster who promise the world and then make a beeline for their palatial estates or high class apartments in DC once they have their reelection secured.
    A long as the communities are mesmerized by the false promises of the democrat party there will never be change.