Watch What Liberals Did to Star Parker’s Pro-Life Flyers

starparkerabortionflyerI heard it from my friends and they actually caught it on video: liberals ripped my photos from the walls all around the college campus where I am about to speak in three days.

These activists don’t want me to talk. They don’t want me to talk about my personal experience with abortion. They don’t want me to talk about Planned Parenthood’s genocide on the black race. And they don’t want me to talk about the war against the poor — particularly black babies — through abortion.

In this video you’re about to watch that is linked below, you will see activists on the campus of Cal State LA rip my posters down onto the ground. These are posters with my face that advertise my speech to a group of students in three days about Planned Parenthood’s war on the poor!

Not only did they rip down my posters, but they also called the students who invited me to speak on campus — most who are NOT white — “bigots”, “sellouts” and other racial epithets — including the N word.

But I know these women. They were me. Before I began a Christian conversion, I believed the poor were poor because the rich were rich. And on nearly every campus in our country where I speak, this is the lie that is taught in class after class after class. It is a lie that is tied to abortion: the religion of the Left.

I am a clear threat to these leftists because my work exposes their lies.

Here’s the issue: when I see this video, I know I need to be on this campus to reach these women. They need to hear my message — a message of love — more than anyone. That’s because the liberal black elite who have worked hand-in-hand with the abortion industry to decimate our black families are nearly all college educated.

These activists who ripped my face apart will be running the next Black Lives Matter or become the next Maxine Waters or Sheila Jackson-Lee.

Friend, when they go low, we go high!

Thank you, in advance, for your support of my work to protect our babies — black, white, brown, yellow or red — and to protect our freedom!

StarParkerBCNStar Parker is the founder and president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education. Contact her at

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One comment

  1. Praying that God will use you Star, for His purposes, to open up blind eyes to the truth.