What This Republican Governor Did To Pro-Life Doctors and Pregnancy Centers In His State

abortion_regretTo liberals, on-demand abortion “rights” don’t go far enough. People who oppose this horrible act can’t even remain silent about it. They must promote it.

One so-called conservative wants in on the act of promoting death. A Republican governor recently signed a bill into law that requires pro-life medical professionals and pregnancy centers to refer women to abortion clinics and state the “benefits” of killing their babies, even if the doctors and other employees believe abortion is murder. No religious or moral exemptions.

From the Washington Times:

The legislation narrowly passed in the state House on strictly partisan lines, but Gov. Bruce Rauner broke ranks when he signed the bill into law Friday.

Emily Zender, executive director of Illinois Right to Life, said she was “extremely disappointed in Gov. Rauner for siding with pro-abortion Democrats” on the issue.

“This radical bill is a direct assault on the consciences of medical professionals and the missions of the community supported pregnancy help centers,” Ms. Zender said in a press release.

What woman in America doesn’t know she can kill her own children and get other people to pay for it? How is declining to refer her to an abortion clinic violate her “right of privacy” to have her baby slaughtered in the womb? “Choice” trumps the right of conscience.

If you’re a pro-life doctor in Illinois or work at a pregnancy center that seeks to protect the unborn, you must direct women to death clinics and tell them about the “benefits” of snuffing out their babies’ lives. But the First Amendment also protects the individual’s right not to express. Hopefully, pro-lifers in Illinois will fight this law.

Photo credit: Fibonacci Blue (Creative Commons) – Some rights reserved

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