What This Tissue-Selling Company Did While An Abortion Was Going On

A special panel of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, the Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives, is examining Planned Parenthood’s role in selling the body parts of aborted babies. The investigation continues to reveal the extent of the business.

The abortion mill worked with tissue company StemExpress until the latter severed the relationship after the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) released a series of undercover videos about the operation.

Committee vice chair Rep. Marsha Blackburn asked the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services earlier this month to investigate StemExpress for possible patient privacy and consent violations.

Fox News reported on newly revealed information. This is what happened during an e-mail exchange between StemExpress and someone interested in buying tissue from discarded unborn babies (emphasis added)

When a customer inquired with company StemExpress about the availability of aborted tissue, an employee promptly emailed back seemingly while an abortion was under way: “There is one case currently in the room, I will let you know how the limbs and calvarium [skull] look to see if you are able to take them in about fifteen minutes.”

Less than an hour later, the employee reported, “the calvarium is mostly intact,” while “the limbs … are totally intact.”

Democratic lawmakers and other abortion advocates want to stop the investigation and efforts to defund Planned Parenthood and protect unborn babies.

Fox News sought comment from the tissue company.

“Stem Express is confident there has been no violation of law and appropriate consents were made for every fetal tissue donation. We welcome the opportunity to answer any questions from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services or any other agency related to Representative Blackburn’s continued unfounded accusations. StemExpress will continue to support life-saving research.”

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