Why Did Netflix Put Obama’s Former National Security Advisor Susan Rice on Its Board of Directors?

Susan Rice served as U.N. Ambassador under Obama during the events in Benghazi, Libya, where Muslims attacked the U.S. consulate and murdered U.S. Ambassador to Chris Stevens, U.S. Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith, and CIA contractors Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty in 2012.

Obama had considered her to serve as Secretary of State to replace future failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, but Rice withdrew her name because of the controversy. Obama appointed her National Security Advisor instead.

Streaming service Netflix recently appointed Rice to serve on its board of directors.

And some Americans have closed their accounts.

The Conservative Review’s Deneen Borelli said Rice lied about the nature of the attack in Benghazi, blaming an “anti-Islam” YouTube video, to shield Obama and 2016 election loser Clinton from accusations of failed policy.

Then sources reported Rice unmasked the identities of members of President Donald Trump’s transition team during incidental intelligence gathering. Private American citizens. Rice denied knowing anything about it. But then she remembered something about it.

And that’s not all. Why is Netflix rewarding Rice? Listen to Borelli call out the company’s CEO, Reed Hastings, and mention his political donations.

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  1. Instead of rewarding Susan Rice will there ever be a day of reckoning for the shady/illegal activity of her and others from the O administration? I am done with Netflix. Sharing this on my blog.

    • Agreed. We must be alert, sober & active. “Meanwhile, back at the ranch,” they are looking to oust Scott Pruitt (EPA). He’s doing a terrific job, so they want him out.