Amir Tsarfati: Why Netanyahu is Accepting the Ceasefire

Shalom from beautiful Florida! It seems that every time I leave Israel, something major happens. Now it’s happened again. No sooner do I get here, then a few short days later a ceasefire is prepared to be signed! I’m beginning to feel a little paranoid. Are people just waiting for me to leave the country? That ceasefire is a huge deal and we’re going to spend the vast majority of this very important newsletter breaking it down into bite size chunks so that you’ll have a good feel as to what it’s all about. But more about that in a moment.

Tonight, Pastor Barry Stagner and I will team up for “An Evening of Bible Prophecy” at Calvary Chapel Inverness. We are looking forward to spending time with Pastor Kevin Ballard and his wonderful team. It should be a great opportunity for fellowship and for teaching the prophetical Word of God!

My next couple days will be spent preparing for Saturday, when Pastor Barry and I will board a cruise ship with a few others from our Behold Israel team and a whole mass of folks who have come in from all around the world. We’ll spend the next week teaching the entire books of Daniel and Revelation, which often feels like trying to stuff 40 pounds of lentils into a 20-pound bag. But if you’re going to work hard for the Lord, there’s really no nicer place to do it than on the beautiful blue waters of the Caribbean. Please pray that God provides relaxation for the bodies of the cruisers and biblical stimulation for their minds.

MidEast and Global Update

This is a very difficult newsletter to write. It’s not because of the subject matter, although I do find myself frustrated at what I’ve seen. The difficulty is that this is an incredibly fluid event. I would greatly appreciate it if the next momentous happening were to take place on a Saturday or maybe a Tuesday, instead of on Wednesdays and Thursdays which are the days I have set aside to write the newsletter – as always seems to be the case. So, let me warn you in advance that I am writing this according to the latest information that I have now. But by the time you read this, the facts may have changed a bit. Just a “for instance,” once I had completed writing the newsletter, suddenly a document was “leaked” from Hamas which supposedly shows an outline for the second phase of the ceasefire. Is it real? I don’t know. Can I trust it? Maybe or maybe not. So, bear with me and pardon any facts which may have become “old news.”

By the way, if you want to keep up with the latest, please subscribe to my Telegram channel. When you’re connected there, you know that you are linked to all the news as it happens.

BREAKING NEWS: As of this moment, early Thursday morning, the ceasefire deal may not be ready to go after all. Do you see what I mean by a “fluid event”? Oy vavoy! Per Netanyahu’s office, Hamas is engaging in a last-minute blackmail attempt. The terrorist group is upset with the veto given to Israel regarding the release of certain terrorists. Says the Prime Minister’s office, “Hamas is backing away from the understandings and creating a last-minute crisis that prevents an agreement…. Israel will not set a date for a cabinet and government meeting until the mediators announce that Hamas has approved all the details of the agreement.” Accordingly, Netanyahu’s office has said that if there is no breakthrough in the coming hours, he will consider returning the Israeli delegation from Qatar.

So, will the ceasefire agreement go through, or will the Palestinians sabotage another deal that is so favorable to them? Your guess is as good as mine. I’ve decided to keep the rest of this newsletter as is because it fully lays out the situation and what is being talked about. The information still stands, even though there is a potential that the agreement will not.

One last note: Hillel Fuld, who is so accurate on so many of these issues, sees this whole situation as Netanyahu playing chess while the rest of the world is playing checkers. Fuld believes there is a strong possibility that Netanyahu allowed himself to be bullied into the deal by Biden, not Trump, and that he has an agreement with the president-elect that when Hamas breaches the agreement, as they will surely do, the prime minister will go back after Hamas with zero restrictions and full U.S. support. And as for the released terrorist prisoners? Israeli intelligence will track them down and eliminate them one by one. Is this the genuine scenario or simply Fuld laying out the perfect plot for a Nir Tavor novel? Hillel himself will tell you that we just don’t know. We’ll only be certain that there is a deal when we hear that the Israeli cabinet is meeting.

The Setting for the Agreement
Recently, Israel and Hamas sent representatives to Doha, Qatar, to discuss a release of hostages and a ceasefire. Qatar, Egypt, and the United States also attended as moderators of the talks. On Sunday, more significant representatives from the two primary parties flew to Qatar sparking rumors that a deal could soon be reached.

Wednesday, around 1:00 pm eastern time, President-elect Donald Trump posted an unofficial declaration that a ceasefire had been reached in Gaza and that the hostages would be released soon. About an hour later, Qatari Prime Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani officially announced a ceasefire. The first phase of 43 days will begin Sunday. If that goes smoothly and is completed, then the process will continue until a permanent ceasefire is reached. Currently, there is elation throughout Gaza and the radical Islamist world, which tells you much of what you need to know about the agreement’s contents.

The Agreement Breakdown
Here’s what we know about the agreement:
1.    The IDF will gradually withdraw from the Gaza Strip
2.    Of the remaining hostages, thirty-three will be released. Female hostages will be released first
3.    Six hundred humanitarian trucks will enter the Gaza Strip
4.    Gazans will be allowed to return to the north, but they must go through a thorough inspection at the Netzarim corridor. This inspection will be carried out by an American company
5.    In return for the hostages, Israel will release approximately 750 terrorists and around 1,000 Gazan detainees. About 400 of those released will go to Judea and Samaria. Any murderers will be deported to Gaza or abroad

Why is Trump Pushing this Ceasefire?
You may not have noticed this, but Donald Trump has a big personality. He is outspoken. He can be brash. His philosophy of both national and international relationships is speak loudly and carry a big stick. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not knocking him for this. It’s just who he is. Much of the time it works for him, but sometimes it doesn’t.

President-elect Trump promised two international victories by the time he took office. First, he would end the war between Russia and Ukraine. Second, he would get Israel’s hostages back. Unfortunately, with his inauguration less than a week away, he’s batting zero for two. He really needs a win, because without one he could appear weak. People could easily think, “Last time he had the world by the collar, but now it seems he may be all bark and no bite.” This left him with two choices. He could go to Vladimir Putin and say, “Hey, Vlad, how about doing me a favor and pulling out of Ukraine – you know, for old times’ sake?” Putin would likely break into fits of laughter before managing to cry out “Nyet” as he rode off, bare-chested, on his stallion.

Prime Minister Netanyahu, however, is an ally, a friend, and, with his recent surgery, is probably not allowed anywhere near a horse. So, with a little persuading and a promise to release the arms that the Biden administration had embargoed, Bibi appears to have agreed to the deal. Am I happy that Trump strong-armed Netanyahu? No. But I get it. His motto has been and will always be “America first.” I am not an American, which means there will be times that my agenda and that of my country will not take priority in the president’s mind. I don’t like it. I wish it was different. But I understand it.

Why is Netanyahu Accepting the Ceasefire?
Prime Minister Netanyahu has held three essentials throughout this battle. Hamas must not be left in power. There must be a safe zone for Israelis to live in southern Israel. All hostages must be returned. Sadly, looking at this deal it seems that “must” should probably be changed to “It’d be nice if….”

So, what is the upside to this difficult decision?
1.    Hostages are coming home. The first hostage is expected to be released on the first day of the ceasefire, then about 3-4 hostages each week for six weeks. Any of the 33 who are remaining at the end of the first phase will be released on the final day. A hostage returning home is an event that will bring joy to each Israeli every time it happens.
2.    Israel gains diplomatic leverage, particularly with the United States. We are essentially taking one for the team so that President Trump will look stronger. Trump is not one who forgets that kind of loyalty, and he will reward it.
3.    As I mentioned above, immediately upon Trump’s inauguration, Israel will receive the weapons, ammunition, and tools that Biden and Blinken stopped.
4.    Israel will maintain control of the Philadelphi corridor which will block arms smuggling from Egypt into Gaza.
5.    The world will be watching Hamas’s actions. The moment they breach the agreement, the IDF will have carte blanche to reup its attacks with immense power. In fact, just yesterday, incoming U.S. National Security Advisor Michael Waltz said, “If Hamas breaches this deal, we will back Israel 100% to go back to the war; in the end Hamas will no longer be in Gaza.”
6.    Hamas, the PIJ, and others are still very active in Judea and Samaria. Pulling IDF resources out of Gaza allows them to be redirected to counter-terrorism efforts in the West Bank.
7.    The ground is set for developing strategic alliances with other nations, similar to the one created to attack Yemen. As Iran continues its nuclear ambitions, Israel can enter an international partnership to put an end to this threat once and for all.
8.    A ceasefire in Gaza starts back up the stalled engine of the Abraham Accords. Very soon we could see normalization agreements with Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, and other moderate Sunni Muslim countries.

I am disheartened that we have agreed to a ceasefire without completing the job of ending Hamas. With that being said, I can’t imagine the pressure that the prime minister has been and continues to be under. Enemies from outside the nation and from within his own country are constantly biting at his heels. And through it all there are the specters of the hostages that must be haunting his waking and his sleeping hours. I have the blessing of being an outsider to the inner sanctum where all the details are discussed and the decisions are made. This allows me to speak from a philosophical and ideological point of view. I have great respect for Prime Minister Netanyahu and, again, I recognize the pressure he is under. I just wish he had said no.

Why isn’t Hamas Saying No as Usual?
It was the former Israeli foreign minister Abba Eban who said, “The Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.” So, why are they finally giving in to this sweetheart deal now? There are several reasons. First, they will continue to exist. Hamas was quickly running out of ammunition and people. This ceasefire will give them a chance to rearm and regroup. Second, they have shown that their tactic works. Feel free to torture, rape, and slaughter as many people as you want. Just make sure that you keep a few alive to take as hostages. As long as they stay alive (or your enemy can’t prove they’re dead), then you’re good. Eventually, you can just trade them back for your freedom. Terrorists all over the world are watching this and learning from it. It will happen again. Finally, with the IDF pulling out, every last Hamas member who has lost his home, his family, his friends, and his left arm can hold up the two fingers he still has on his remaining hand in a victory sign. In Gaza, life means success.

What Does the Bible Say About the Ceasefire?
Nothing really. However, this whole war fits perfectly into God’s timeline. It is opening a period in which Israel will feel peaceful in its borders. Ramifications from this war have led to closer ties between Israel’s antagonists in the Ezekiel 38 war – Russia, Turkey, Iran, Libya, Sudan, and others. Soon, these antagonists will rise up against peaceful Israel in a great attack. But the attackers will be destroyed in a manner that will make clear to the entire world that it was God who crushed them. Soon after, the antichrist will rise ushering in the tribulation. The temple will be built, and all will go well for the Jews for three-and-a-half years. But then the antichrist will show his true colors. In the ensuing horror, two-thirds of all the people of Israel will be wiped out, with only one-third remaining to escape. Once hidden, God will protect them through the rest of the tribulation until Yeshua once again sets His foot upon the Mount of Olives. At that time, Israel will look on the One they pierced, they will recognize Him for who He is, and they will repent and received Him as their Lord and Savior. And so, all Israel will be saved.

I know these things, not because I am a wise man or a great prophet. I know them because I know the Scriptures. And that is the same reason that I can get frustrated because of what I see in this ceasefire, but I’m not going to let it break me. It won’t discourage me. God’s already laid out the end from the beginning. He’s already told us His plan. This is why I can find peace no matter what is taking place around me.

The Rest of the World
1.    Just missing the post deadline of last week’s newsletter, Lebanon elected a new president. General Joseph Aoun, commander of the Lebanese Armed Forces, was considered by many to be the candidate of compromise between the pro-Hezbollah side and those who are anti-Hezbollah. Four days after his election, the parliament chose Nawaf Salam to be the Prime Minister-designate.
2.    After ignoring his third summons by the Corruption Investigation Office over his declaration of martial law, South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol was taken into custody. This makes him the first South Korean president in history to be arrested while in office.
3.    Los Angeles is still ablaze, and to a great extent they have leftist ecological laws and DEI first responder policies to thank for it. Meanwhile, a recall effort against Governor Gavin Newsom has begun. Let’s hope it gains traction.
4.    In the latest polling, the ruling Labour Party only holds a one-point lead over Nigel Farage’s Reform Party. It seems there is a new wind blowing up the Thames.

The Ministry

Next Wednesday, January 22, we will release what is, without question, our most emotional podcast episode to date. Special guest Rafaela Treistman joins Amir to share her harrowing account as a survivor of the October 7, 2023, terror attacks in Israel. She provides a powerful perspective on resilience and hope through vivid detail and personal testimony. Please tune in to “The Anchor Podcast: Surviving Nova,” and share it with a friend. It is a story that must be watched.

To get more detail about all that I’ve written about above, watch my “MidEast Update: Breaking Down the Hostage Deal.” While some of the information may be more developed now, it is still very worthwhile to get all the foundational material that I wasn’t able to get into in this newsletter.

“My BaSKET.” Did you know that in those two words are the entire flow of the Old Testament? Yesterday, Dr. Rick Yohn and I connected on “Explore the Bible: An Overview of the Old Testament,” during which he showed how the first three letters of that acronym, “M, B, S” could take us all the way from Genesis 1 through the book of Judges. In our next episode on January 29, he’ll take us the rest of the way through Malachi. Be sure to tune in.

Please be praying for this next week on the cruise. Quite honestly, we never intended for this to be part of our ministry. But after October 7 when the Israel tours came to a stop, we were looking for ways to connect with our global Behold Israel family. This opportunity came up, and we’ve seen God bless it tremendously since then. We trust that God is going to do great things as His people gather to delve into His word and grow in Him.

Thank you so much for your persistent prayers and your faithful support of this ministry. God is so good, and we’re already seeing Him do great things in this new year.

Awaiting His Return,

Amir Tsarfati

Amir Tsarfati, a Jewish Christian, is the founder and president of Behold Israel, a news site to correct the scarcity in trustworthy reportage on issues and events impacting Israel, and to resolve the uncertainty about who or what to believe.

The views expressed in opinion articles are solely those of the author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by Black Community News.

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