Will This Warning From Pro-Life Women 'Stump the Trump'?

pro-abortion rallyA group of pro-life women, including CURE’s Star Parker, has something to say ahead of the Iowa caucus about Donald Trump and abortion.

Jenifer Bowen, Executive Director, Iowa Right to Life; Beverly LaHaye, Founder and Chairman, Concerned Women for America; Marilyn Musgrave, Fmr. Congresswoman, VP of Government Affairs, Susan B. Anthony List, and others contend in an open letter to Iowa caucusgoers and voters that Trump can’t be trusted on this issue. An excerpt:

“The next president will be responsible for as many as four nominations to the Supreme Court. Mr. Trump has given us only one indication about the type of judges he would appoint, and it does not bode well for those who would like to see the court overturn Roe v. Wade. Mr. Trump has said his sister, Judge Maryanne Trump Barry, who struck down the Partial Birth Abortion Ban in New Jersey, would be a ‘phenomenal’ choice for the court. Earlier this month, Mr. Trump also said he thought pro-choice Senator Scott Brown would make a ‘very good’ Vice President. If one truly believes, as we do, that abortion is the taking of an innocent human life and is committed to the pro-life priorities of ending abortion after five months, and defunding the nation’s largest abortion business, Planned Parenthood, it would be a disaster to have a vice president who disagrees.

“Moreover, as women, we are disgusted by Mr. Trump’s treatment of individuals, women, in particular. He has impugned the dignity of women, most notably Megyn Kelly, he mocked and bullied Carly Fiorina, and has through the years made disparaging public comments to and about many women. Further, Mr. Trump has profited from the exploitation of women in his Atlantic City casino hotel which boasted of the first strip club casino in the country.”

Read the full letter and more at Life News.

Photo credit: Free Verse Photography (Creative Commons) – “Rally for Planned Parenthood Funding NYC 2/26/11” by Dave Bledsoe – Some Rights Reserved

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  1. Thank you ladies for standing for the sanctity of life. Trump would be a threat to the life of the unborn. And, we do not need another liberal supreme court judge.

  2. I don’t know if Donald Trump would be an added threat to the unborn, but he will definitely be more of what we have now. His lack of any moral compass and the insulting way he treats women now, should be enough reasons to look in another direction for leader of our country.

  3. Abortion even BEFORE 5 months is murder of an unborn baby. As for Donald Trump, if he had not signed the GOP pledge, he would probably run as a Democrat if Hillary Clinton is indicted.

    • What is wrong with you? Trump’s views on abortion are the same as yours! Do you really think he thinks like Clinton? Do you think he doesn’t mind backing the cutting up of baby body parts and selling them? You have not listened to Trump’s speeches. He is a Christian and remembers when the USA was not hell on earth. If you want to know more about him, open your mind, listen to the speech Jerry Falwell’s son gave at Liberty University about him. I think you will find his views are not far from your own.