With ‘Friends’ Like Republican Gov. Mike DeWine, Ohio’s Children Don’t Need Enemies

You’re a conservative who believes parents get to decide what’s best for their children, and you go to the polls to vote for the conservative candidate you believe will stand against the insidious and demonic “transgender” movement.

If your candidate is Governor Mike DeWine of Ohio, you will be disappointed.

With friends like these…

The Republican-majority legislature passed the Saving Ohio Adolescents from Experimentation Act (PDF), which would protect children from “transgender” surgery, puberty blockers, and cross-sex hormones. The measure also protects parents’ rights to raise their children in a way that’s consistent with their children’s sex and to decline “transgender” counseling, among other things.

The legislation includes the Save Women’s Sports Act, so that girls and women in Ohio won’t face the danger and unfairness of competing with stronger, bigger, faster, taller boys and men.

But the Republican and “conservative” Gov. DeWine vetoed this bill. He opposes the mutilating surgery on minors but supports the puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, which could render confused and vulnerable children permanently sterile. Misguided children and their parents were able to persuade this man to block a bill that would protect children from physical and mental harm, and deep regret.

Let this sink in: Mike DeWine supports puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones that could render children permanently sterile.

After a backlash, Gov. DeWine issued an emergency executive order to clarify his position.

“…although I vetoed Substitute House Bill 68, I stated clearly in my Veto Message that I agreed with the General Assembly that no gender transition surgeries should be performed on anyone under the age of 18,” he stated in the executive order.

The better option was to oppose all of this nonsense and sign the bill. Surgery isn’t the only issue in this political movement that targets children and encourages them to keep secrets from their parents.

A Republican in power refuses to protect children from the depravity of a political movement. He’s doing the leftists’ job for them.

Your constituents thank you, Gov. DeWine.

With friends like these…

From Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF):

“Let’s be crystal clear: growing evidence shows that the long-term use of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones hurts a child’s physical, emotional, and psychological development in ways that we still don’t understand,” ADF stated. These dangerous, experimental drugs put kids on a one-way street to surgical procedures and a lifetime of consequences.”

Photo credit: By J. Verkuilen – IMG_0051, CC BY 2.0, link

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