Women Competing Against Men Can’t Hope to Win — Chelsea Mitchell Will Tell You

Conservatives, please don’t call men pretending to be women “she.” Words have meaning. Let’s avoid adopting the leftist “transgender” frame. There is no such thing as “transgender,” and the proper pronouns for biological males are he, him, and his.

College student Chelsea Mitchell and three other girls at a high school in Connecticut filed a lawsuit against the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference over its “transgender” policy that allow boys pretending to be girls to compete against them. The athletes also filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights. The office under President Donald Trump said the policy violated Title IX and threatened to withhold funds unless the state rescinded the rule.

The federal government’s support vanished under President Joe Biden, and the athletes lost the lawsuit.

These women have trained hard and made sacrifices to win competitions. Then the state allowed boys to steal their opportunities. Mitchell would have won the 2019 state championship in the 55-meter indoor track competition, for example, but the two boys on the team won first and second place.

Mitchell recently appeared on Fox News to discuss a male swimmer calling himself Lia Thomas, who attends the University of Pennsylvania. The school allows him to swim on the women’s team. (The Fox News host referred to Thomas as “she.”) Mitchell said that when she ran against males in championship track meets, she knew she would lose the competition. She said she couldn’t even hope for a win.

The NCAA has yet to decide whether Thomas will be eligible to compete against women in the final championship.

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