Young People Are Looking for Freedom, Asking Questions, and Want Deeper Answers

Star Parker recently appeared on the Sara Carter Show, where she and the host discussed freedom through the generations, from the Boomers to the present generation.

What a blessing to have been born in this great nation — even though some ungrateful citizens and residents don’t think it’s so great.

Star said that her grandchildren’s generation is looking for freedom.

“They’re starting to notice that something has gone terribly wrong,” she said. Star shared an anecdote about being at a church gathering in North Carolina, and some of the young people asked why they can’t invest the money the government takes out of their paychecks for Social Security. Why are they forced to pay into it?

Star said they wanted “deeper answers” to some of the things they’ve been told all their lives.

Watch the video clip below.

Sara Carter is also a Fox News contributor.

Photo credit: COD Newsroom (Creative Commons) – Some rights reserved

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