WATCH: Star Parker's Pro-Life Challenge to the Congressional Black Caucus

If liberals can demand that the government remove “racist” symbols, so can conservatives…with more moral authority.

Last week, Star Parker, E.W. Jackson, Lila Rose, and other pro-lifers held a press conference outside the Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery to urge the institution to remove a bust of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger from a civil rights exhibit. 

In a letter to the Smithsonian, a group of black pastors wrote that Sanger was no hero for justice. She had “an elitist attitude toward those she regarded as ‘the feeble minded;’ speaking at rallies of Ku Klux Klan women; and communications with Hitler sympathizers. Also, the notorious ‘Negro Project’ which sought to limit, if not eliminate, black births, was her brainchild.”

The Smithsonian rejected the request, contending that the institution tries to “draw attention to those who have made a significant impact on American history and culture, and that includes both the accomplished and reprehensible. We recognize Sanger’s advocacy on behalf of women’s health and education whilst acknowledging her sometimes deplorable beliefs.”

At last week’s protest, Star issued a challenge to the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC).

We Americans turn over $520 million to Planned Parenthood annually. “Year after year after year to a billion dollar corporation,” Star said. “The Congressional Black Caucus’s response to abortion? Silence…I’m honored to stand here and say let’s bring the bust down. And I implore the Congressional Black Caucus to take the lead in the Congress to make sure this great work is done.”

If “black lives” truly mattered to the CBC and other black liberals, they’d be at the front of pro-life protests. Black women kill their unborn children at a disproportionate rate. Who will speak for these “black lives”? Additionally, what the Center for Medical Progress’s undercover video sting of the abortion mill revealed should generate outrage even among the staunchest abortion advocates. Casually discussing the killing, the dismemberment, and the sale of precious unborn babies is despicable, and picking through the remains for intact parts is barbaric.


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