Dr. Ben Carson Forms 'One Nation' Political Action Committee

BCN editor’s note: Sorry about the autoplay! Can’t turn it off.

The Washington Times reports that Dr. Ben Carson has formed a new political action committee (PAC). The formation of the PAC doesn’t necessarily mean he’ll run for president. Dr. Carson said he doesn’t particularly want to run, but he’ll do it if he felt the American people strongly wanted him to.

“Now is the time to start all of the appropriate exploration and investigation, and put down the structure that is necessary,” he said.

Last week Dr. Carson won a 2016 presidential straw poll in Colorado. He came ahead of Senator Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin. Governor Bobby Jindal, Rick Santorum, Governor Scott Walker, and Senator Rand Paul also placed in the poll.

If you missed it, here’s Dr. Carson clarifying his view of gun control:

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  1. If Black Americans want to vote color fine, but please, for your own sake and the sake of your White, Yellow, and Brown brothers and sisters,vote competence, commitment, honesty, leadership and faith first. Dr. Carson is an American first, who happens to be Black.

  2. Our family hopes that Dr. Carson will enter the arena wherein so much of America’s future will be decided. His intellect and moral fiber are desperately needed in these times. Run Ben Run!!

    • I agree Howard
      Dr. Ben Carson’s speaking style stands out above the crowd. His clear logic, calm voice and focus on problems AND solutions has captured my attention. A unified America is his focus. Dr. Carson’s life story is inspiring to our youth as all Americans face many challenges in our over-regulated economy. I urge Dr. Carson to run in 2016. Gary A

  3. Personally I think Dr. Carson’s mom should be running for president. She turned around the two Carson boys singlehandedly. (Correct spelling.) 🙂 Facinating woman. If you haven’t read Gifted Hands, order it and read it aloud to your family. It’s totally kid-appropriate. Get to know this highly intelligent, compassionate, super impressive man.

  4. Please listen to Dr. Carson and support him . Don’t do it because he happens to be black. Do it because he is a true American. It doesn’t matter what color he is. We need him. Barrack Obama has fooled all of us…black and white and all other skin colors. He needs to be out of office for the good of the country WE live in. He has no honor. Mr. Carson does. It’s as simple as that.

  5. This man is amazing not only because of his medical expertise, has a solid understanding of human behavior and history but also understands the evolution of Austrian economics as well. He blows this Italian’s mind!

  6. As a black conservative, I believe that not only will Dr. Ben Carson gain momentum from the traditional base (white voters), but will also compel life long black and Hispanic Democrat voters with his common sense approach to politics. Getting minorities to the party first before selling the candidate is primary to me. Afterwards, the GOP should proudly endorse the better and more winnable candidate for the Party. BEN CARSON! BEN CARSON!

    • Shayla, you’re the kind of reader we want. Please spread the word about BCN!

      Thanks for reading and commenting, everybody. 😉

  7. Please sign the petition asking Dr. Carson to run for president! http://bit.ly/V0MUUJ

  8. Thousands of parents trusted Dr. Carson with their child’s life. Dr. Carson has managerial and leadership experience, having lead a team of more than 50 people in an operating room during one of his most famous interventions.
    That is more experience then Obama can ever dream of.
    Dr. Carson will make an awesome president. He has my vote!