WATCH: At Home With Dr. Ben Carson UPDATED

CBN’s “The Brody File” recently visited Dr. Ben Carson at his Florida home. Dr. Carson talks about the 2016 presidential election, trusting God, how he grew up, and much more.

For example, when he was a teenager, someone tried to stab him during a fight Dr. Carson tried to stab someone during a fight. The boy’s belt buckle prevented injury. Miracle? Dr. Carson came to Christ as a teenager and prayed for God to take away his violent temper.

“I’ve never had another anger problem since that day,” he said.

Dr. Carson also said Americans have to recognize that we are not each other’s enemies. Our enemies are those who try to divide us.

The video also features his wife, Candy. As with all things, they’re relying on their faith in making the decision to run or not to run. Lots of good stuff.

Update: Sorry folks! I heard it wrong. Dr. Carson was the kid who tried to stab someone, not the other way around.

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  1. Ben Carson is, to me, the most exciting person to express an interest in becoming president since Ronald Regan. He is so “common sense” and something about his demeanor that makes one trust him. This was my first introduction to his lovely wife. I think she would make a great first lady. Run, Ben, Run!

  2. Extraordinary couple! Unlike so many, self-aggrandizing, self-enriching ‘racial dividers,’ such as Sharton, Jackson, and other “higher” placed individuals, they are actually “doing” for their community and country. Kudos and accolades to both!!