The Legacy of Dr. Walter E. Williams — Watch Cure America Episode 26

Sometimes the legacy of great men is that the world doesn’t realize how great they were until they are gone.

This might be the case with Dr. Walter E. Williams, a distinguished Professor of Economics at George Mason University for 40 years – where for six years he served as chairman of the economics department.

With race matters in the headlines and economic matters on our kitchen tables, I lead a panel of experts as we explore Walter Williams’ life and legacy in this week’s episode of Cure America with Star Parker.

Please watch and share this episode with your friends on social media.

Guests include Donald Boudreaux, Ph.D., Mercatus Center at George Mason University, Jonathan Alexandre with Liberty Counsel, William Allen, Ph.D., Chief Operating Officer of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education, and Pastor Ceasar LeFlore, Executive Director of The Beloved Community Development Coalition and Chairman of the community-based Southland Prevention Coalition.

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  1. Episode 26 on Williams is cut off at top and right side bar of video has nasty teases.
    Please clean this up as it distracts from the good content.