Did Federal Agents in Unmarked Cars Try to Intimidate Concerned Parents at a Fairfax County School Board Meeting?

Representative Jim Jordan recently asked Attorney General Merrick Garland at a hearing whether FBI agents would be attending local school board meetings. Garland frowned and said, “No, FBI agents will not be attending local school board meetings, and there’s nothing in this memo to suggest that.”

A group of concerned parents protested outside the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) in September after the attorney general wrote a memo (PDF) directing the FBI to discuss strategies with state and local governments to deal with a “disturbing spike” in “threats of violence” in response to a letter (PDF) the National School Boards Association wrote to President Joe Biden that compared parents to domestic terrorists.

But is the attorney general’s answer true? Fairfax County mother Stacy Langton might take issue with it. This mother said that when she and other parents protested outside the DOJ, she saw unmarked vehicles from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

That might have been expected. But Langton said she also saw unmarked police cars outside a recent school board meeting four days later.

“Some may have been Fairfax County,” she said. “Some may have been FBI…And we had a helicopter, a literal helicopter overhead,” shining a spotlight down on parents. Langton called this “ridiculously un-American.”

Since Langton complained at a school board meeting about books that contained child pornography in the high school library, she and her family have received threats. Watch the brief clip for more.

Last month, Langton found two books in a high school library that contained child pornography and pedophilia. At a school board meeting, she read passages from the books and showed images. The school board cut off her mic. The content was inappropriate, a board member said, because there were children present at the meeting. Yet the same children can access the inappropriate books in the school library.

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One comment

  1. Re the pornographic books in the library: Are the administrators evil or just dumb? How can they, in good conscience, say you can’t read or show these books “because children are present” when the same children can access the books in the library? Sounds evil to me. We must continue to stand up to these horrible people bent on destroying our families. It’s insane. I thank God every day that my grandkids aren’t in public schools. Although I will guarantee the progressives are coming after private schools soon enough.