Thank God — And Ourselves — That We Live in a Free Nation

Editor: Thanksgiving Day is over, but we can apply Star Parker’s message every day.

“I was just recently with the pro-Israel rally,” Star Parker said on a segment of Straight Arrow News. “We sent cameras there. My organization was there. Hundreds of thousands of people saying, ‘We stand with Israel, we want the hostages free.’ And we’re allowed to do that in this country. So we should be thankful.”

We’ve witnessed the violence that sometimes happens when we debate the role of government in our lives.

“While we have a whole lot of political debates — and a whole lot of them get really nasty and ugly and dirty, and especially working here in Washington, D.C. — we at least get to debate,” Star said.

We thank God for our free nation and ourselves for keeping it free.

Listen to Star’s message below or at Straight Arrow News.

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  1. Our Nation has Strength and Hope because of Citizens Like Star and Lashawn and All the Conservatives we are introduced to at BCN! God Bless You All! Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas.