Voters Around the World Are Ready to Move to the Right

Is President Donald Trump the course correction the world needs?

In a recent episode of Straight Arrow News, Star Parker said that in countries around the world, including Argentina, Italy, Canada, and the U.S., working class voters are rising up against their governments’ reckless spending, disastrous immigration policies, and undermining of the rule of law.

“Despite progressive activists demonizing those who object to these policies, voters are saying enough is enough,” Star said. “They want commonsense policies that treat everyone equally, that prioritize public safety, that limit public spending, and that protect the nation, the sovereignty of that nation.”

I can’t speak for Argentina, Italy, or Canada, but the U.S. will experience these things — thanks to President Trump.

Star talked about what happened in Argentina, Italy, Canada, and the U.S. to change voters’ minds. And what the left will try to do.

“The progressive left, they’re going to resist Trump’s efforts just as they are doing in countries all around the world,” Star said. “However, the consequences of their extreme agenda are now open for all to see, apparent for the voters. And the voters are responding. Trump and like-minded leaders all around the world must now deliver on their promises, as voters are ready to move to the right.”

Watch the rest of Star’s segment below or at Straight Arrow News.

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