A Federal Court Just Rejected Maryland’s Request to Dismiss a Christian School’s Discrimination Lawsuit

Bethel Christian Academy in Maryland sued the state in June after being kicked out of the school voucher program because of its position on marriage and sexuality. The state also demanded the school refund money it received.

Bethel’s legal counsel, Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), said the school hasn’t rejected a student based on sexual orientation. The mere belief in normal sexuality, apparently, renders it ineligible for this government voucher program, which allows low-income children to attend better schools.

The state filed a motion to dismiss Bethel’s lawsuit. The ADF announced this week that a federal court rejected this motion and will allow the suit to go forward. From ADF attorney Christiana Holcomb:

“The government may not discriminate against religious schools simply because it dislikes their religious beliefs. We’re pleased that the court has rejected Maryland’s attempt to shut down this case. Bethel Christian Academy offers an academically rigorous and caring Christian education in a diverse environment, but Maryland has refused to play by its own rules, expelled Bethel from a neutral government voucher program without just cause, and demanded the repayment of over $100,000—money that empowered the education of low-income students. Maryland’s families deserve better; that’s why we’re grateful Bethel’s lawsuit can move forward.

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One comment

  1. The great betrayal is over. A Great Awakening of Black Voices is happening. Americans are NOT tired of winning. Families & communities will take back Education — out of the controlling claws of Government. Thank you, BCN / Star Parker / for keeping us informed.