Abortion: A Scourge Against Humanity

At the Young Americans for Freedom group’s event at California State University in Los Angeles last week, Star Parker said that although abortion is legal, it’s unlawful in God’s eyes.

Before Star’s appearance, abortion-supporting leftists tore down flyers advertising the event. Despite the risks, Star showed up and spoke her mind and her heart about how killing unborn babies is a scourge against humanity.

The school’s student newspaper published a story about the event. An excerpt:

Star Parker spoke about physician Kermit Gosnell, who killed infants that were born alive during the abortion procedure in the Women’s Medical Society clinic in Philadelphia, PA.. He was arrested and charged with murder, felony accounts of performing illegal abortions, and misdemeanors for violating the twenty-four hour informed consent law.

“This is not a good idea to kill offspring in our society or to dismember children who have uniqueness, unique humanity, and unique DNA,” Parker said.

Parker believes that abortion is an issue that seems to tear us apart as people do not acknowledge the importance of humanity. She compares the issue of abortion to slavery as the same moral question is on the table about humanity.

“We will always have people that are going to fight on the side of right to end this scourge against humanity,” said Star Parker.

Just as the United States ended slavery, which dehumanized human beings, Star hopes the country ends abortion. Watch Star’s entire speech, and stick around for the exchange between her and an abortion advocate during the Q&A:

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