American Baptist College President Denies Authority of Scripture

StarParkerBlackPastorsBaptist Press covered the recent National Baptist Fellowship of Concerned Pastors Press Conference (video here). A excerpt:

The coalition of concerned pastors, which includes some 150 members, objects to American Baptist College’s speaking invitation to Yvette Flunder, an open lesbian and United Church of Christ bishop, Delman Coates, a pastor who led a campaign in Maryland to legalize gay marriage, and Allan Boesak, a South African minister and politician who urged the South African Dutch Reformed Church to affirm same-sex marriage.

Harris said previously that it is inappropriate to oppose homosexual behavior by employing “idolatry of the Bible,” which he defined as “when people say [the Bible] is synonymous with God and the truth,” the Tennessean reported. He added, “We can’t be guided by a first century worldview.”

American Baptist College trustees should either ask the NBC USA Inc. for permission to advocate the homosexual worldview, McKissic said, or they should fire Harris if they disagree with his statements and invitation of pro-gay speakers.

The college’s president, Dr. Forrest Harris, is on record denying the authority of Scripture, that the Bible is not the inspired, infallible, and inerrant word of God. He calls opposing what God calls a sin “idolatry of the Bible,” which is associating it with “God and truth.”

The God of the Bible is truth. Denying His word is to deny Him.

“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” – 2 Timothy 3:16&17

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  1. Oh, my. Looks like the college needs to be under new leadership.

  2. Claudia LeFevre-Lowry

    They are going the way of the Presbyterians USA and Episcopal’s. This is so troubling. I scarcely know what is happening to our Protestant churches. So many of the Methodists are against Israel that I am being left with no where to go!

  3. Isn’t it amazing that they want to press verses in relation to Idolatry but when a verse references homosexuality they always seem to want to redefine the meaning of it??

  4. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” — John 1:1

  5. God have mercy on you. What bible are you reading? You need deliverance! The devil is a liar!!!! God forgive them for they do not know what they are doing!!!!

    The college’s president, Dr. Forrest Harris, is on record denying the authority of Scripture, that the Bible is not the inspired, infallible, and inerrant word of God