Anniversary of Hillary Clinton’s Defeat Coming Up — Let’s Help Our Media Friends

I am not nearly so coldhearted and unsympathetic toward the mainstream media as some of my conservative friends, such as Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Chris Plante and Ann Coulter. In fact, my heart goes out to them. As evidence of the same, if I had President Donald Trump’s ear, I’d urge him to declare this coming Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2017, a day of remembrance and order that flags be flown at half-staff on all federal buildings. Why? It will be the anniversary of what must have been a most traumatic day for mainstream media people and the political pundits they interviewed. I am not a psychologist; however, I did take several courses in psychology and sociology as an undergraduate. Thus, I have enough training to analyze the continuing trauma resulting from last year’s presidential election.

Days before the election, ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos gleefully asked his guests about it. All except one predicted an Electoral College and popular vote landslide for Hillary Clinton ( On one MSNBC talk show, the panelists predicted a historic defeat for Donald Trump ( MSNBC host Rachel Maddow confidently and laughingly made predictions about Trump’s trouncing defeat at the hands of Clinton ( Not to be left out, there were Republicans who confidently predicted that Trump wouldn’t even win the party’s nomination, much less the presidency (

There were many other highly confident election predictions of Trump’s defeat all over the internet and in the media, both national and international. Take the gleeful discussion between Maddow and Chris Matthews just prior to the election ( It would have to be pure torture to make them watch their pre-election broadcasts.

Then, as election returns began to come in, showing Trump becoming the next president, there were many instances of emotional crackups. If you check out the internet, you will find dozens of instances featuring people crying and screaming and cursing the election results ( Some colleges responded to Trump’s victory by having cry-ins and primal screams. Some provided their students with therapy dogs, coloring books, Play-Doh and videos of playful kittens and puppies, as well as serving snacks such as tea and chocolate. Some college administrators encouraged or allowed faculty to cancel or postpone exams because of the election results.

Certain people have come up with a name for the ongoing liberal response to Clinton’s defeat. They call it Trump derangement syndrome. I might point out that it’s not only leftist Democrats who are in a tizzy over the election results but also quite a few establishment Republicans. Evidence of continuing Trump derangement syndrome can be found in the calls for his impeachment by members of Congress such as Maxine Waters, Al Green and Brad Sherman. There is a treatment for TDS. Instead of watching MSNBC, CNN, ABC News, NBC News and CBS News, one can turn to Fox News Channel and watch Bret Baier, Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity. For newspapers, pick up The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Times or the Washington Examiner. Try listening to Rush Limbaugh’s and Mark Levin’s radio shows. By no means do I recommend that liberals go cold turkey on the mainstream media. They should start out by listening to conservative media for only about five minutes per day to avoid shock. I am normally against any kind of insurance for a pre-existing medical condition, but I’d make an exception for TDS.

Finally, when I think of some of the wacky presidential predictions, my mind immediately turns to 1997, when the comet Hale-Bopp appeared. Art Bell’s paranormal radio talk show, “Coast to Coast AM,” claimed that a spacecraft was following the comet. That inspired 39 members of a San Diego cult named Heaven’s Gate, who believed that their souls could escape the doomed Earth on the spacecraft, to kill themselves. Unfortunately for the predictors of Clinton’s landslide win over Trump, they haven’t been spared the embarrassment of being wrong.


Photo credit: By Nathania JohnsonHillary Clinton, CC BY 2.0, Link

WalterWilliamsWalter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University.

The views expressed in opinion articles are solely those of the author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by Black Community News.

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One comment

  1. Truth is that the “Culture of the Clueless” media put out so much spin, so much total propaganda for so long at times even outright lying about something now President Trump said during the campaigns, that its clear that they started to believe their own lies, a common occurrence with habitual liars. They told countless lies making Hillary Clinton look better than she really is, ignoring decades of scandals, acts of incompetence, lies, corruption, acts of cruelty and they told countless lies with convoluting the facts, making Trump look worse than he really is, at time very lame like they had to go back over ten years to find a raunchy conversation that Trump had where he totally might have been joking about typical slutty groupies, the type that follow any celebrity around, and ignored that Bill Clinton’s sexual escapades in comparison with Trump’s make Trump look absolutely angelic yet its clear that these clueless people still actually believe that magically, somehow Bill and Hillary Clinton are thousands of times morally superior to Trump when the exact opposite is the truth.

    Since these media propagandists clearly have no interest in the truth where being truthful with others and especially with one’s self is a very important part of gaining maturity and having integrity, it’s clear that regardless, Hillary’s loss didn’t lead to any growing up with any of these clearly immature to the point of being delusional, huge babies so that we all are having to witness their long ongoing, huge adult temper tantrums where their dishonest behaviors are unlikely to stop even after Trump is no longer president. They want for Trump what Hillary totally deserves – prison. They want people to believe that Trump is hated more than Hillary is hated when the truth is that millions of Americans hated Hillary from her days as First Lady where she did many cruel, scandalous things such as “Travelgate” and was an enabler in the 51-day “Waco Siege” where over 70 people died, many women and children due to Janet Reno’s incompetence and on and on with the ongoing scandals that happened during the Clinton White House years including the Clinton’s trying to run off with over $200K of White House artifacts that they were made to give back versus being charged with theft.