Behold Israel’s September Bible Prophecy Tour With Amir

sept_israel_tour_20161There is still space on Behold Israel’s September Bible Prophecy Tour! Amir will lead the tour from September 2-10, 2016. Come to Israel and join us for a life-changing experience!

On Behold Israel Bible Prophecy Tour, you will experience the past, present, and future of the Word of God, His chosen people, and their land. Behold Israel’s Study Experience is designed to let God speak to adults, young and old, by literally walking through the Bible.

Visit rich “dead” stones of ancient Biblical sites like Caesarea by the Sea, Capernaum, and Jerusalem’s City of David. Celebrate “living” stones of modern Israel, as we attend a local Messianic congregation’s service, listening to music and testimony of local believers.

Come study Bible Prophecy. Learn about coming events in the places where the future will happen — places like Armageddon and the very top of the Mt. of Olives.

If you cannot make it in September, check out our additional tours scheduled in February 2017, September 2017, and December 2017.

Prayerfully considering joining us.

For more information or to register, contact us at

AmirTsarfatiAmir Tsarfati, a Jewish Christian, is the founder and president of Behold Israel, a news site to correct the scarcity in trustworthy reportage on issues and events impacting Israel, and to resolve the uncertainty about who or what to believe.

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