Black Abortions Beat Black Homicides 69 to 1

BlackBabiesMatterIf Black lives matter, I want to know: How come Black American Abortions outnumber Black American homicides 69 to 1?

The latest report from the Violence Policy Center shows that there were 6,217 Black American homicides for the year 2013. When compared to Black American abortions, the 429,000 abortions in Black America for 2013 represent 69 times the number of Black American homicides in 2013.

A recent analysis by Dennis Howard, President of the Movement for a Better America, who has written extensively on abortion demographics, shows that out of every 1,680 pregnant Black American women 15-44, 1,000 will give birth to their child and 680 will abort their baby. The analysis was based on data from the U.S. Statistical Abstract for 2013 and the National Vital Statistics Report, Vol. 64, No. 1, dated January 15, 2015.

In other words, for every three Black babies born in America, two will be aborted.

The numbers get worse.

In 2013, there were an estimated 429,000 abortions in Black America.

This equates to …

35,750 abortions per month
8,250 abortions per week
1,175 abortions per day
49 abortions per hour

This amounts to one Black abortion every 74 seconds.

When you understand Planned Parenthood is subsidized by half a billion taxpayer dollars each year and wholeheartedly supported by both the Democratic Party and Black leadership in high places, you have to conclude that Black American abortions representing 69 times the number of Black American homicides are an entirely intended consequence of legalized abortion.

Why should our government spend $1,282 for every Black abortion, when that same amount of money could pay for the safe delivery or adoption of healthy children? If abortion is going to be legal, a half a billion dollars would be far better spent helping young Black women to support a child (i.e., feed, clothe, educate, house and inspire a future American president), rather than aborting one.

Photo credit: Life News – Steven Ertelt

walterhoyeWalter B. Hoye II is the founder and president of the Issues4Life Foundation, the founder of the California Civil Rights and the Frederick Douglas Foundations of California, and proponent of the California Equal Rights Amendment.

The views expressed in opinion articles are solely those of the author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by Black Community News.

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  2. Yeah, it may only cost $1300 for a safe birth for a Black child but what’s the future costs in welfare, food stamps,learning disabilities, unemployment, drug abuse/ rehabilitation, criminal activity, incarceration costs and more Black murder deaths.
    Blacks dislike their lives in America. They do little to change it- either by changing their life style(education, better social interaction or volunteering to help others,) or changing the system- voting.
    They are quick to complain- ie riot but slow at working in their own community to change a seething hatred for all society. An eye for an eye- leaves us all blind.
    Maybe our Navy should dedicate one of their about-to-be retired Carrier Task forces to ferrying Blacks back to Western African countries where their attitudes will fit in better. Tribal war is a way of life there- and so is poverty