Black Commuter Took On Mike Brown Protesters Blocking His Way To Work

In an exchange caught on camera by KGTV news cameras, a motorist attempting to get to work took out his frustrations on protesters blocking all northbound lanes on Interstate 5 in LaJolla, Calif., earlier this week.

The demonstration was one of several incidents protesting a grand jury’s decision not to recommend charges against the Ferguson, Mo., officer who shot robbery suspect Mike Brown in August. Regardless of the protesters’ motivation, drivers trying to get to work were irate when they came upon the human roadblock.

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Tyree Landrum was perhaps the most animated opponent. The black driver left his vehicle and cornered one protester, taking away his bullhorn. He then shouted his response to the common refrain ‘no justice, no peace.’

“I feel you,” he said on behalf of those stuck in traffic. “We ain’t got no justice either.”

Speaking to KGTV reporters on the scene, Landrum erupted into a profanity-laced tirade against the mob. He began by explaining that he has responsibilities including a job that won’t wait for the protest to die down.

“If I don’t get there I’m going to get fired,” he exclaimed. “I got six f—king kids to feed.”

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He then questioned the thought process behind staging such a disruptive event.

“Day goes on homie,” he told the protesters. “Motherf—kers get shot every f—king day. Deal with it the right f—king way – not like this.”

Addressing the group, he complained: “I’m about to lose my f—king job and you’re out here protesting.”

Though the obscenities might have been missing, plenty of other trapped drivers shared Landrum’s frustration.

“I have to go to work,” another motorist said. “They don’t really know anything about the real issue. They’re just complaining about something that could be dealt with differently.”

For some, including healthcare providers, the snarled traffic could have easily had far more serious repercussions.

“There’s a nurse who’s got to save lives here,” one woman shouted.

The fact that those who took part in the barricade were not jailed only served to give inconvenienced drivers another reason to complain, reports confirm.

BCN editor’s note: This article first appeared at Western Journalism.

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