Black Lives Matter Cancels Anti-Poverty Billboards in Poor Neighborhoods

Star Parker and her panel of guests on her show, Cure America, discussed how the Black Lives Matter movement shut down her “Success Sequence” billboard campaign.

The billboards read: “Tired of Poverty? Finish school. Take any job. Get married. Save and invest. Give back to your neighborhood.”

Leftists found this advice offensive and bullied the company that erected the billboards into taking them down.

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Welcome to CURE America with Star Parker, where we dive deep into the critical issues …


  1. I am a Christian at all cost in which believing that all scripture is the infallible Word Of God. If one considers that conservative I don’t know, but what I do know is that Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior will suddenly appear and all knees will crumble in kneeling to the glory of God.

  2. I totally agree with you we are just human beings and as I learned in Vietnam many years ago everyone is green through as Starlight Scope. Though my deranged black brother George who wore a red fez told everyone “I am the great white hunter’s faithful Askari, I still think George was trying get out of the Army. Our wives just look at us shake their head and say “Let’s leave the lost boys alone without adult supervision and go out to lunch and see how much trouble they can get into.” We get no respect!