Black Men Are the Key to Ending Abortion

BlackBabiesMatterAccording to a March 22, 1973, Jet magazine article, “Legal Abortion Is It Genocide Or Blessing In Disguise? ,” Lu Palmer, a Chicago radio commentator and a man concerned about the situation of Black people in a White racist society, said:

“I think if you’re going to have to deal on this issue [abortion], you will really have to deal with the Black male. If Black men and Black women were totally together in terms of the concept of Black life, then a categorical statement could be made in terms of being against abortion. Because then the value system would have been developed so that when a Black woman became pregnant, there would be some systems in Black community life to sustain the mother, the baby and the father. But as it stands now, the woman is:

1)      Stigmatized when she becomes pregnant out of wedlock,
2)      Left with an economic burden and
3)      She’s left with a psychological burden.

“But the man who is the father of the child goes on his merry way and might even go on somewhere and make a speech about how terrible abortion is.”

Mr. Palmer is definitely on point.

It’s been 43 years since 1973 and the Pro-Life movement has made great strides stemming the tide of abortion. In our efforts to defend the right to human life, we’ve honed our arguments to a sharp edge and we’re good, very good in our presentation.

We point out science conclusively tells us the baby in the womb is human. Science is right. Planned Parenthood is currently under Congressional investigation today for allegedly selling human baby body parts for human research.

We point out logic’s rationale for abortion being a moral wrong based on the belief that intentionally killing an innocent human being is wrong. Obviously, there is no rational counter argument that all of us can live with.

We point out history is replete with examples of the law being used to kill innocent people and it is. However, after all of the science, logic and history lessons, Mr. Palmer’s comments are still valid aren’t they?

Yeah, they are

Because there is no substitute for husbands, loving their wives and fathers loving their children, Black men have been, are and always will be the key to ending abortion.

Photo credit: Life News – Steven Ertelt

walterhoyeWalter B. Hoye II is the founder and president of the Issues4Life Foundation, the founder of the California Civil Rights and the Frederick Douglas Foundations of California, and proponent of the California Equal Rights Amendment.

The views expressed in opinion articles are solely those of the author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by Black Community News.

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