Blind Conceit Update

BlindConceit_smallerIf you purchased my new book, Blind Conceit: Politics, Policy and Racial Polarization: Moving Forward to Save America, you surely noticed several spelling errors, including the spelling of some well-known names that were “auto-corrected” into very wrong names. You have probably encountered this phenomenon yourself while typing on your phone.

Simply, the publisher made a mistake and sent a version to merchants that was not spell-checked. They have corrected the error and merchants now have the correct version of my book for sale.

Because this is an electronic book, if you already own my book, you can update your version using your device for free!

Sorry for the inconvenience.

If you have not purchased my new book, please click and follow this link to buy it on! You can also buy it from other online booksellers for your mobile devices.

I hope you will enjoy my new book.

Thank you so much for your prayers and for your support.

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