Brutal Reply from the Father of the Man Shot By Police in Milwaukee

After riots were sparked by a 23-year-old black man who was shot by a 24-year-old black police officer in Milwuakee, there was one thing that escaped much of the attention: his father.

It was well-known that the man killed, Syville Smith, had a long criminal history for such a short life.

In a local television interview the father of Syville, Patrick Smith, was visibly anguished and apologized for his absence in his son’s life:

“Your hero is your dad, and I played a very big part in my family’s role model for them. I got out of jail two months ago, but I’ve been going back and forth in jail, and they see those things. So I’d like to apologize to my kids because this is the role model they look up to. When they see the wrong role model, this is what you get.”

This is it! This is the brutal honesty our country needs to hear! But the media swept his response under the rug.

Right now, politicians from both sides of the aisle make speeches to black communities because of the massive influence of the black voting block, especially in a tight election.

Yet, liberals have given speeches and delivered handouts for 50 years! A single speech from a conservative will not change minds. We must reach hearts and minds one person at a time and it’s a black pastor — the center of the black community — who can achieve this.

That’s why in 30 days, CURE — the non-profit that I founded and run in Washington, DC — will host a major Black Pastor Policy Summit in our nation’s capital!

Our pastors can magnify Patrick Smith’s apology far and wide — far greater than any politician. That’s because they have the ears of thousands upon thousands of blacks who attend church more than any demographic. These men are trusted and they are tired of the liberal lies. They make the trek to Washington, DC so I can equip them with the truth!

Friend, for three days, influential black pastors will pay their way to Washington, DC to attend my training so we can expose the lies of organizations like Black Lives Matter and the Congressional Black Caucus! This is especially important in this atmosphere!

Black Lives Matter is infused with cash from Hollywood and foreign progressives who hate America such as George Soros. We are counting at least $134 million that has been given to Black Lives Matter and similar organizations who want to tear our country apart and rebuild it into a Marxist utopia!

You know our freedom is at risk more than ever before.

Photo credit: By LoavesofbreadOwn work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons

StarParkerBCNStar Parker is the founder and president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education. Contact her at

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  1. I’m not particularly “religious” but I DO believe…; I grew up in a broken home and can attest to the point of this article: kids, especially young boys such as I was, are particularly at risk when raised without a male influence/proper role model. Please keep up the good work…; ONWARD !!!

  2. Thank you for trying to do and be the positive role model for the young people in your community. White, 76 year old VN Veteran. I am fortunate to have a black friend who shares these positive things regarding the Black community. I know it is a daily struggle to do the right thing for your children and community

  3. Thank God!!! I have just finished reading Thomas Sowell’s book, The Housing Boom and Bust. I am halfway through Peter Sweitzer’s book, Architects of Ruin. Both books have answered a lot of questions that I have had over the past 40 years. I had always wondered how on earth banks could continue to offer these ninja loans n still stay in business and why did I always have to jump through all of their hoops when I applied for a loan. Now I know how a hispanic could buy a home when they couldnt even speak our language! Please mention these books to the black pastors because if they read them they will understand how the Democrats have been using them to feather their own nests while setting many of THEM up for disaster! I love what you are doing. I hope your turnout is terrific!