Bush Campaign Just Leaked Dirt It Has On Another Candidate – And It Might Have Already Backfired

Image credit: Rich Koele / Shutterstock.com
Image credit: Rich Koele / Shutterstock.com

Despite the fact he was widely judged the loser of his verbal tiff with Marco Rubio during Wednesday’s debate, GOP presidential candidate Jeb Bush is reportedly set to take on his fellow Floridian as part of a plan to increase his standings in the polls. According to a slideshow reportedly leaked by a source close to the Bush campaign, three prominent points in his campaign plan revolve around tearing down Rubio’s credibility as a candidate.

First, he calls the senator a “risky bet” due to the fact that some who have “looked into” his background “have been concerned with what they have found.”

The Bush camp then cites that a number of state lawmakers have endorsed the former governor while none have officially come out in favor of Rubio.

Finally, Rubio is portrayed – in a direct comparison to Barack Obama – as a neophyte unqualified to seek the nation’s highest elected office.

Even Priorities USA, the super PAC backing Hillary Clinton in the 2016 race, is parroting Bush’s talking points on the matter.

In describing the leaked campaign plan published by U.S. News this week, radio host Rush Limbaugh said the 112-page plan looks like the blueprint of a presidential campaign of decades past. Limbaugh earliercriticized Bush’s aggressive debate line directed at Rubio.

“Somebody told him you gotta go after old Marco for not showing up in the Senate,” Limbaugh said. “These guys are friends. Rubio is Jeb’s protege. Left to his own devices, he would not ever go there. He doesn’t believe it himself. But he was saddled with it by his advisers.”

The negative attacks on Rubio may have already taken their toll on Bush, as a Google Consumer Surveys poll conducted directly after the debate indicates Republican voters determined he is the candidate they most wish to see drop out of the race.

Will Bush’s offensive moves against Rubio help him earn the GOP nomination? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

BCN editor’s note: This article first appeared at Western Journalism.

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  1. We are so tired of the games played by candidates and then the games they play in office. Rubio stays in my top 4 possibles and Bush joins Trump and others in the undesirable category. You can’t sling cowpies at others without smelling of the material.

    • Carson and Trump are by far the best candidates to turn the Country around. Their no nonsense approach to issues is exactly what America need right now.