Cato Institute Reviews ‘The State of Black Progress’

The Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE) released the second volume of its policy series, “The State of Black Progress: Confronting Government and Judicial Obstacles,” in March. The tome is a follow-up to “The State of Black America,” published in 2022.

Star Parker, founder and president of CURE, said the tomes “showcase first-class scholarship to paint a comprehensive picture for thinking much differently about the reality facing Black Americans than what has been the norm for many years.”

Star joined essay contributors and American Enterprise Institute (AEI) scholars Ian Rowe and Howard Husock, and Grace-Marie Turner, president of the Galen Institute, at a panel discussion in February to talk about issues that matter to black Americans and the history and current state of affairs of black progress. CURE and AEI co-sponsored the event.

The Cato Institute recently reviewed the book. An excerpt:

“The book closes with essays arguing that Social Security is a bad deal for all Americans, but especially for Blacks, and that poverty is boosted by governmental policies that prevent people from using their talents and ambition…The State of Black Progress is an important ’emperor wears no clothes’ book that points out a crucial truth: Black Americans have been made poorer and less well educated by government policies. When Frederick Douglass was asked what should be done with Blacks, he replied, ‘Do nothing with us.’ A century and a half of ‘doing’ has proven his wisdom.”

Read the full review here.

You may also order a copy of The State of Black Progress and watch the AEI event below.

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One comment

  1. Why do label humanoids according to skin melanin for those “black” or “white” but not brown yellow red etc? It’s so 1960 n a CON struct we’d do well to start dismissing. RACE is according to Nationality Language and Clan/Community. For example, one might be American English and of the Terry “tribe” yet skin color plays zero role, zilch nothing re Character Work Ethic or Attitude for example. Pleeeeeeease think upon this. God’s con✝️inued grace2u