Christian Day Care Worker’s Concern for the Children Gets Her Fired

Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. – Genesis 3:3

Encouraging a child to pretend to be the opposite sex should be considered abusive. It’s not. Has the world gone mad? It’s definitely more degenerate.

A day care center in Katy, Texas, fired two employees because they wanted to inform parents that the people raising one of the children (two homosexual men), a girl, insisted she be called a boy, which confused the other children. The child herself was even confused. The school’s administrators instructed the staff to talk to the children themselves.

“I don’t think we should be talking to other people’s children who are under the age of 18 about being transgender,” fired former manager Madeline Kirksey said.

At Children’s Lighthouse Learning Center, FOX 26 News was told the school doesn’t respond to issues regarding staff or students. The parents of the six-year-old child also declined to talk with FOX 26, asking for their privacy.

The day care is a private business. Just as Christian business owners have the right to refuse to provide services for homosexual “weddings,” the day care has a right to get rid of any employee who’s concerned about how “transgender” nonsense harms children.

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One comment

  1. Are you Serious???? Who are the adults here? Which 6 year old has not changed their mind every other day on what he wants to be when he grows up? I had a nephew that wanted to be a dinosaur. We didn’t start feeding him raw meat and calling him T-Rex.