This Christian School is Fighting Biden Admin’s Directive to Violate Girls’ Privacy to Keep Receiving Lunch Money for Low-Income Children

Sources reported last month that the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which subsidizes lunches for children from low-income families through the Food and Nutrition Services, will require schools receiving taxpayers’ money for free or reduced school lunches to violate the privacy, modesty, and safety of girls and allow boys to enter their private spaces like restrooms and locker rooms. Schools are also required to allow males to play on female sport teams.

The Biden administration told schools they must comply with the re-interpretation of Title IX to ban discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and “gender identity,” which means girls’ private spaces are open to boys pretending to be girls. Schools that don’t comply could see their free and reduced lunch programs starved of funds.

Ian Prior, the executive director of Fight for Schools, whose members are concerned parents, told Fox News that Biden was holding states hostage over money that goes to low-income families — a huge reason we need school choice. (A Loudoun County Board of Supervisors chair called Fight for Schools “alt-right” on her personal Twitter account.)

Criticizing the lunch money scheme, Governor Kristie Noem of South Dakota said that Biden “is insisting that we allow biological males to compete in girls’ sports or else lose funding for school lunch programs. South Dakota will continue to defend basic fairness so that our girls can compete and achieve. Mr. President, we’ll see you in court.”

A Christian school is now in court. Grant Park Christian Academy filed a lawsuit last week against Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried, who said schools must comply with the Biden administration’s reinterpretation of federal law. Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) represents the group. An excerpt:

In a new change under Title IX, participating schools, including Grant Park Christian Academy, must go along with the Biden administration’s radical expansion of “sex” to include sexual orientation and gender identity, in violation of the schools’ religious beliefs, or lose their ability to serve low-income children free meals.

The 56 students enrolled at Grant Park Christian Academy for the fall semester, which begins Aug. 10, all come from families below the federal poverty level and receive scholarships to attend the private school. Grant Park Christian Academy is applying for school lunch funding for the 2022-2023 school year, but Fried is poised to reject the school’s funding, and with it, the school’s ability to continue serving food to kids.

Grant Park Christian Academy’s religious beliefs, including its understanding of the nature of the human person and marriage and family, preclude it from complying with a federal mandate to substitute gender identity for biological sex in any aspect of its activities, especially when it comes to males sharing restrooms, private spaces, and programs with females, and vice versa.

The implication of refusing to submit are charges of bigotry.

Pastor Alfred Johnson, president of the school’s parent organization, Faith Action Ministry, said they treat “every child with dignity and respect, and we would never deny a hungry child a meal.” He added that the students depend on the school’s lunch program “to eat balanced, nutritious meals. It’s wrong for government officials to threaten to take the funding for those meals away simply because we wish to live and operate consistent with our religious convictions.”

Photo credit: Alliance Defending Freedom

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