Some Polls Suggest Trump Could Make Significant Gains Among Black Americans in 2024 — Watch Star Parker on Straight Arrow News

Here’s a little history lesson for Americans who don’t know.

“As a party of Lincoln,” Star Parker said on Straight Arrow News, “Republicans allied with four million former American slaves to pass the 13th 14th and 15th Amendments to the United States Constitution. These amendments, they abolished slavery, granted citizenship, and civil rights to newly emancipated blacks as well as they guaranteed that the right to vote could not be denied based on race, color, or previous conditions of servitude.”

White Democrats in the south did not like this. They began disenfranchising many blacks in the decades after Reconstruction with poll taxes and other discriminatory practices.

Black Americans generally voted for Republicans, when things began to shift after President Franklin Delano Roosevelt passed the New Deal legislation. After the civil rights era, Democrats had a lock on the “black vote.”

President Donald Trump got 12 percent of the black vote in 2020, Star said. A trending shift?

“In February 2023, Real Clear Opinion Research poll found that 73 percent of blacks support school choice, a policy that Trump supports and Biden opposes.”

Will more black voters turn to Trump in November? Watch Star’s segment below or at Straight Arrow News for more.

Photo credit: Johnny Silvercloud (Creative Commons) – Some rights reserved

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