Denver City Council Committee Reverses Course On Chick-fil-A — Good News?

Last week we blogged about a Denver City Council committee objecting to Chick-fil-A setting up shop in the Denver International Airport because the company’s president and CEO opposes the redefinition of marriage to include two people of the same sex.

Among other things, Dan Cathy said that by pushing this perversion, “we are inviting God’s judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at Him and say, ‘We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage.’ I pray God’s mercy on our generation that has such a prideful, arrogant attitude to think that we have the audacity to define what marriage is about.”

Naturally, people of faith expressed outrage over the government trying to stop the company from doing business based on faith. On first viewing, it appears the council backed down because of the backlash and approved Chick-fil-A’s lease. But council member Robin Kniech told the Denver Post that she doesn’t “have any concerns about moving this forward based on what I’ve learned in the last two weeks.” Chick-fil-A would work through Concessions International to set up at the airport, and the latter “provides same-sex partner benefits for eligible employees.”

Is Kniech implying that Chick-fil-A is expected to also provide these benefits?

In any case, council member Paul Lopez said the group balked at Chick-fil-A’s proposal because when the members or residents “see a concern and bring it up…we have the opportunity to question and comment on everything that comes through.” 

But council president Chris Herndon implied the committee’s scrutiny isn’t typical. He said the fast-food restaurant’s proposal should have passed at the first meeting based on the merits. Supporting marriage, as we’ve known it for millennia, provokes this kind of reaction.

This is the society we live in now, folks. Expressing common sentiments and religious tenets (Christian ones) are politically incorrect and deserving of loss of livelihood, violation of constitutional rights, and punitive fines.

Michelle Malkin wrote that the council’s anti-Chick-fil-A stance is really a cover-up for possible government corruption.

“Spiteful Democrats claim they are upholding progressive ‘Denver values’ by delaying approval of an airport concession contract with the Christian-owned restaurant chain. But the politically correct storm over same-sex marriage (which Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy personally opposes) is convenient cover for the local government’s serial mismanagement, bloated spending and shady contracting practices.”

Photo credit: George (Creative Commons) – Some Rights Reserved

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One comment

  1. The land of dopers is offended by Christianity?