Donald Trump Makes History at the 2020 March for Life

At Friday’s March for Life rally, President Donald Trump said it was his “profound honor to be the first president in history to attend the March for Life.” He said they’re all in attendance for a very simple reason: …”to defend the right of every child, born and unborn, to fulfill their God-given potential.”

The president called the turnout “tremendous.” It is an eternal truth, he added, that every child is a sacred gift from God.

President Trump touched on what he’s done to protect the unborn while he’s been in office.

“Unborn children have never had a stronger defender in the White House.”

Religious liberty has been attacked all over the world and in our nation, the president said, and the Trump White House is protecting that constitutional right as well. Under his administration, the U.S. Congress has confirmed 187 federal judges and two U.S. Supreme Court justices “who apply the Constitution as written.” Trump’s administration is also protecting the right to free speech on college campuses.

The people trying to violate our First Amendment rights “are coming after me, because I am fighting for you, and we are fighting for those who have no voice. And we will win, because we know how to win.”

Listen to President Trump’s defense of the unborn at this historic event.

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  1. May God bless you and watch over you President Trump. You are in my prayers

  2. what a lying ,pandering buffoon this criminal is. no one need to listen to the snake oil salesman,hes only saying what he thinks people want to hear. ignore him. hes trying to get votes. his insecurities are showing again.

    • Oh, is that why he’s done everything he can to protect unborn children, promote religious liberty, and appoint judges who respect the Constitution? Just to “get votes”? But even if your cynical view is true, it’s a good sign that – unlike many other Republicans – he realizes that pro-life is a winner at the polls!

      • Once that child is born, let’s all work to protect and promote his/her future for the next 18 years just as much as if it were still in the womb.