Christian Teacher Fired for Refusing to Lie to Parents About Students’ ‘Transgender’ Identity Files Lawsuit Against California School District

A California school district refused to renew a Christian teacher’s contract because she refused to lie to parents about their children’s mental health, particularly about “gender identity.”

Jessica Tapia, who taught physical education in the Jurupa Unified School District, also refused to affirm lies about gender identity. She asked for a religious accommodation. Under the letterhead of superintendent Trenton Hansen, however, the district denied her request.

Tapia told Fox News in February that it came down to obeying the school district or staying true to her faith. She said she intended to sue, and she did so on May 3.

The former teacher alleges that the school district violated her First Amendment and her civil rights. From Tapia’s legal counsel, Advocates for Faith & Freedom:

The Jurupa Unified School District mandates that teachers and support staff participate in gender affirming care that is deceptive to parents, endangers students in school changing rooms and bathrooms, and directs faculty and staff to refrain from expressing their personal views and opinions on these policies; a clear violation of their First Amendment Rights.

“People of faith should be allowed to maintain their personal beliefs without fear of losing their job,” said Mariah Gondeiro, Vice President and legal counsel for Advocates for Faith and Freedom.

Tapia said if something like this can happen to her, it can happen to anyone.

“My story is not just mine,” she said. “It is the story of every teacher of moral and faith. It is the story of every parent whose first priority is protecting their children.”

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One comment

  1. She can sue the district and the folks who made the decision to fire her for her religious beliefs, but where is she gonna find an impartial court in CA? She is surrounded by morons in and out of government. The jury pool, if it goes to trial, will be the leftists who are trying to install the crazy rules in the school districts.
    However, if she does win a substantial settlement, I advise a move out of state as quick as possible.