Franklin Graham Holds Rally For Former Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran – UPDATED

(Updated with added news video.)

Last week we blogged about the ouster of former Atlanta Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran, who self-published a book critical of homosexuality.

Kasim Reed, mayor of Atlanta, claims he at first suspended then fired Cochran for passing out copies of the book at work. Others, including myself, think that Reed fired the chief for his religious beliefs.

Franklin Graham, Billy Graham’s son, is holding a rally today at the state capitol in Georgia, “Standing for Our Faith Rally,” to support Cochran. An excerpt:

Numerous Christians and Christian leaders are expected to attend the rally scheduled for 1:30 p.m. at the Georgia Capitol Rotunda. Reed fired Cochran on Jan. 6 over a book he wrote that says homosexuality and having multiple sexual partners is “vile,” “vulgar,” and “Inappropriate.’

Reed had previously suspended Cochran without pay over the 162-page book titled Who Told You That You Were Naked? for men in an ongoing Bible study at Elizabeth Baptist Church. Cochran is a member of the church.

Reed says Cochran’s religious beliefs are not the basis for the termination, but that Cochran violated the city’s Code of Conduct in publishing the book.

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