Georgia Governor Expands Gun Rights

Through the Never Again Project, gun rights advocates like Star Parker, Ken Blackwell, and Kenn Blanchard speak out against attempts to infringe on the right to keep and bear arms. Star and others organized a news conference to voice concerns about the U.S. Senate’s attempt to restrict Americans’ right to defend themselves, their family, and their property (Yes, that’s right – property, too.)

“I believe that it is our duty to stand together and challenge the proposals currently on the table in the Senate, which invoke painful memories of Jim Crow laws and black codes,” Star said. “Black history is rife with government demands for background checks in order to qualify for constitutional rights. All Americans should be concerned. We want to inform United States senators that we will be notifying urban pastors, business leaders and other black voters of their legislators’ position on the Second Amendment— especially blue senators in red states currently up for re-election.”

The link between gun ownership and lower crime rates is more than enough reason to block all government attempts to infringe on our rights. When the people are armed, criminals do think twice..three times…about confronting them.

In recent gun rights news, Nathan Deal, governor of Georgia, will sign a bill into law to expand gun rights:

The bill makes several changes to state law. It allows those with a license to carry to bring a gun into a bar without restriction and into some government buildings that don’t have certain security measures. It also allows religious leaders to decide whether it’s OK for a person with a carry license to bring a gun into their place of worship.

Additionally, people who need to renew carry licenses won’t have to give their fingerprints. In related news, Governor Jan Brewer vetoed two bills that would have expanded gun rights in Arizona. The bills would have allowed owners to carry guns into government buildings that don’t have security. According to the Washington Times, Brewer opposed the bills because of the “financial burden on cities and towns” paying for extra security if they opposed guns in government buildings.

“I am a strong proponent of the Second Amendment,” Brewer said, “and I have signed into law numerous pieces of legislation to advance and protect gun rights. However, I cannot support this measure in its proposed form.”

Featured photo credit: License Photographybyjw  (Creative Commons)

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