GOP 5-0 in Special Elections

5-0: that’s how many special elections Republicans have won since Donald Trump became president.

This week, all eyes were on a Republican district in the suburb of Atlanta. Democrats spent millions of dollars to capture this district into their column, creating the most expensive congressional race in our history. But to their dismay, the Republican, Karen Handel, defeated the progressives!

Mrs. Handel’s experience is what we need in our country. When she left the board of the Susan G. Komen organization in 2012, she exposed the collusion they were running to funnel cash to Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest and taxpayer-funded abortion center.

It’s no wonder Planned Parenthood fears her and spent nearly $750,000 to try to defeat her! 

But as conservatives celebrate these victories, we must be sober:

After Obama’s election in 2008, Democrats won every special election in 2009, also 5-0 like the Republicans today. But in 2010, Republicans took the House and nearly the Senate, neutering the Obama Administration’s plans.

Make NO mistake: progressives are just getting started. They spent so much cash in Atlanta because their confidence grows that Red districts can turn Blue. That’s because they have a track record of success across the country: Orange County, Dallas, and the entire state of Colorado to name just a few.

As more voters flee the destruction their progressive policies created in the North and settle in the prosperous red states of the South, they bring their destructive policies, their identity politics, and their fake news with them.

That’s why I want to start a new television show that will reach half of Americans who get their news by video and who have never heard our ideas. This is the other half of America who’ve been led to believe the ideas that our country was founded upon are NOT for people who have brown skin. In other words: fake news!

I call my show “CURE America with Star Parker” and it is sponsored at the grass-roots level by people like you — people who do not have double-standards when it comes to responsibility.

Photo credit: lettawren (Creative Commons) – Some rights reserved

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One comment

  1. Thank you Star. I did not realize Karen was a whistle blower in connection with the Susan Komen fund. Good for her. I would imagine she shall continue her anti-Planned Parenthood activites in Congress. I sure hope so. Take care.