Guess Who's a No-Show At Judiciary Committee Hearing on Planned Parenthood

Image credit: David McNew/Getty Images
Image credit: David McNew/Getty Images

A non-profit called Center for Medical Progress shocked the country with a series of clandestine videos that showed Planned Parenthood and tissue company StemExpress executives casually (and coldly) discussing and haggling over the sale of aborted-baby body parts. Even worse, some videos showed StemExpress technicians gruesomely picking through the remains of dead babies. 

In the seventh video, Holly O’Donnell, a former StemExpress procurement technician, described how another technician used scissors to cut into a baby boy’s face to get to his brain:

O’Donnell looked down, “flabbergasted,” at an intact aborted baby. A boy. The woman taps the baby’s heart, and it begins to beat. “It had a face,” O’Donnell said. “It wasn’t completely torn up. And its nose was very pronounced. It had eyelids and its mouth was pronounced. And then, since the fetus was so intact, [Jessica] said, (emphasis added) “Okay, this is a really good fetus and it looks like we can procure a lot from it. We’re going to procure a brain.”

Pro-life lawmakers called for Congress to defund and investigate Planned Parenthood. Some state lawmakers blocked tax dollars from going to the abortion mill. People who’ve called Planned Parenthood to account have not gotten the answers they seek. In a futile attempt to distance itself from the revelations, StemExpress cut ties with Planned Parenthood.

Today, the House Judiciary Committee is holding a hearing to listen to testimony from experts. From the committee’s press release:

Since the release of numerous videos by the Center for Medical Progress, the House Judiciary Committee has been conducting an in-depth investigation to determine whether the federal law that prohibits partial-birth abortions and the killing of infants born alive were violated, the history of enforcement of those laws, and the sufficiency of those laws. The Committee’s investigation so far has involved letters to the Department of Justice and Planned Parenthood affiliates in order to gather the facts surrounding the horrific allegations brought to light in the Center for Medical Progress’ videos.

The purpose of Wednesday’s hearing will be to hear from experts on the issues surrounding the alleged acts of Planned Parenthood. The hearing will examine details of late-term abortions, what is involved in altering an abortion in order to harvest fetal organs, and a history of the laws that protect, or fail to protect, the unborn from these barbaric practices.

As of this writing, the hearing is live.

Committee chairman, Rep. Bob Goodlatte, and Rep. Trent Franks released a joint statement. An excerpt:

Planned Parenthood and its executives must answer for the alleged atrocities brought to light in the videos by the Center for Medical Progress. For the past two months, the House Judiciary Committee has been investigating the alleged acts of Planned Parenthood and its affiliates, and now the American people will have a chance to understand just how horrific these practices are to the unborn.

Newsflash: Planned Parenthood will not be there.

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