Hank Aaron, Words Still Matter

Am I the only black man in America who suffers from Black Racism Fatigue? “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” has more credibility than America’s race hustlers. Apparently, Hank Aaron has never read Proverbs 18:21: “The tongue has the power of life and death…”

When “Hammerin’ Hank” implied last week in a USA Today interview that the GOP have traded in their KKK (Ku Klux Klan) hoods for neck ties and starched shirts due to their opposition of President Obama’s policies, his words did more to perpetuate racism in America than they did to heal it. I can’t help but to wonder if Hank Aaron even knows that it was his Democrat party that founded the KKK in 1866 in Polaski, Tennessee, in order to terrorize black and white Republicans who fought to abolish slavery and spread freedom to blacks during Reconstruction.

Hank Aaron will always be a legendary sports figure in my mind, but my admiration for him in the last week has diminished, to say the least. God doesn’t give you big hurdles in life to complain about them, but rather to overcome them with His help. Until last week I assumed Hank Aaron had done just that. Some of you may ask, “Carl, what should he have done differently?” I’m glad you asked. Imagine the positive impact Mr. Aaron would’ve had on the black community and Americans in general if he would’ve simply done these three things: Expressed his thanks to God for how far race relations have come in the last forty years, depicted his success in America despite its flaws, and lastly, offered some encouraging words to youth who believe they can’t succeed in life due to the color of their skin or upbringing.

Until the black race is willing to thank Jesus for what He has already accomplished in America, it makes no sense for us to believe we’ll ever progress to our full potential in society–ironically, much like the Israelites who wandered the desert for forty years, because they chose to complain rather than celebrate their deliverance out of slavery. This is the very reason so many Blacks like Hank Aaron stay stuck in the past; they refuse to acknowledge how far God has brought us. Imagine the amount of death threats he must’ve gotten forty or fifty years ago, or how many times he’d been called the “N” word. Do you believe for a second that people see him in that same light today? Of course not! You’re more likely to hear the “N” word out of a black man’s mouth than you are from any White person today. The Bible is clear that when you forgive others God forgives you. I pray Hank Aaron will realize that soon.

In addition, if only Hank Aaron would stop whining and take a bow. Due to the hardships and sacrifices he and many other Blacks and minorities endured 40 or more years ago, minorities today live in an era of mostly perceived racism, but not necessarily actual racism. Does racism still exist in America? Of course! However, it’s my opinion that there are far more racist Blacks in America than Whites. Jesse “Jack ’em for their Benjamins” Jackson was fooling himself when he proclaimed decades ago that “Blacks can’t be racist because we have no institutional power.” The problem with that foolish assertion is that black race hustlers are not the judges of the human heart, God is! Besides, what could be more racist than supporting a President who supports killing black babies via abortion, and keeping Blacks dependent on many white politicians through welfare?

Lastly, consider the positive impact Hank Aaron would’ve had on the black community if he’d expressed an appreciation for the opportunities this nation afforded him despite its flaws. What if he used Jesse Jackson’s old line, “You are somebody,” or told kids no matter your skin color or socioeconomic status, you have value because God loved you enough to invest in your life by creating you? What if Hank Aaron would’ve convinced Bob Nightengale of USA Today and his readers during last week’s interview they could succeed in life if they were to find a trade, skill, or career path that compliments their gifts, and work hard enough to overcome whatever obstacles that may come their way, like he did? What if Hank Aaron would’ve spoken words of life and encouragement to all of the black kids growing up in fatherless homes across America, challenged them to be better men, and asked them to lean on their heavenly daddy when times got tough? I suspect that if Hank Aaron had done these things during his interview, he would’ve advanced the next generation of blacks into a hopeful and promising future. Instead, he created a phony racist boogie monster for the next generation to fight. At least they can wear their Air Jordan’s for the forty-year journey through the desert, thanks to Mr. Hank Aaron.

Carl Jackson is a radio talk show host – his web site is www.carljacksonshow.com


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