WATCH: Here’s Good News for Patriots, Bad News for the NFL

The Conservative Review’s Deneen Borelli reported some good news for American patriots, but bad news for the NFL.

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  1. WOW! Excellent. Always appreciated Ms. Borelli’s common sense and intellect. A definite light in the darkness of nonsense!

  2. Thank you Deneen! The NFL is not the league it once was and frankly, until these players stand for our National Anthem, they are no longer worth my time. So where’s the protest from players over all that good money they make from this so-called oppressive nation/flag that they oppose? Where’s the outcry over Hillary Clinton not being charged by the FBI with credible evidence being presented? Had that been me, they would have buried me under the prison and my name cursed for all of time. They need to protest on their own dime, not on my time.