High Court Declines to Hear Homosexual 'Marriage' Arguments

starparkermarriage_postThe U.S. Supreme Court’s refusal to hear arguments for and against homosexual “marriage” means that judges in lower courts get to decide whether to redefine the word marriage to include two people — or three or four — of the same sex. From the Wall Street Journal:

Seven appeals on the issue involving same-sex marriage bans in five states had landed on the court’s doorstep while the justices were away on their summer break. State officials defending same-sex marriage bans, as well as gay couples challenging them, had urged the Supreme Court to intervene, citing the need for nationwide clarity.

But the justices rejected those appeals in a brief written order. The court, as is its custom, offered no explanation for why it decided not to get involved.

The development casts doubt on whether the court will take up the issue in its 2014-2015 term, which began on Monday.

Lower court decisions that redefine marriage stand. What we can do is put people in office committed to defending marriage-protection laws. Voters in states that allow ballot initiatives can put the issue on the ballot. Homosexual “marriage” doesn’t do too well when the people get to decide through a direct vote. Even Californians voted to oppose the redefinition of marriage in 2008.

There is no fundamental or civil right to marry. Marriage is a sacred union established by God as the union between one man and one woman, and recognized by the state. That the homosexual lobby isn’t satisfied with civil unions shows their real agenda — to undermine marriage in a way that renders the word meaningless. It’s an in-your-face attempt to mock and offend, regardless of the “marriage equality” rhetoric.

Photo credit: Star Parker/Facebook

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