House To Vote To Ban Late-Term Abortions This Week


After previously being staved off, the House will be voting on a bill that bans late-term abortions later this week.

The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, sponsored by Rep. Trent Franks, R-Ariz., was put aside after differing factions of the Republican caucus could not come to terms on language that would force victims of rape to report their crimes, The Hill reported. The language, GOP leaders feared, could also have political implications too.

Almost all abortions after 20 weeks would be illegal under this bill. A previous version had an exemption in the cases of rape, so long as it had been reported to police. That language has been struck from the bill.

The current version now requires doctors to have women seeking abortions undergo medical treatment or counseling at least 48 hours before having the procedure.

“I am so grateful to all who have worked so hard to craft language that will now unite the pro-life base in a positive and effective way,” Franks said in a statement Friday. “This proposal is substantially stronger than the original bill, and it places the focus back upon protecting mothers and their innocent little pain-capable babies, from the beginning of the sixth month until birth.”

Photo credit: La Shawn Barber

BCN editor’s note: This article first appeared at Western Journalism.

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