I Was Stopped By a White Cop — And Lived

I don’t buy the notion that most cops are out hunting down unarmed black males. Their job requires them to confront and arrest criminals wherever they find them. Chances are if you don’t reach for a cop’s gun, pull a weapon of any kind, or fight with a cop, you won’t be killed by one. Remember, they’re human, too; the mix of their adrenaline and fear can be dangerous for anyone unwilling to comply, black or otherwise. Cops react to perceived threats or noncompliance, not skin color.

I was pulled over last week; my nephew was in the passenger seat of my truck. I pulled off of the main highway and onto a side road that lead to a local mall. It was pitch dark, and the lighting was bad. However, it was also a great opportunity to teach my nephew how to behave with cops to diffuse any potential conflict, in the event he’s ever pulled over.

I immediately slowed down, turned on my hazard lights, pulled my ID from my wallet, then proceeded to pull over. I fastened both hands on my steering wheel with my ID clutched in my left hand, because it was closest to the window. My nephew and I happened to be talking sports, so I continued talking sports with him. I wanted to convey to him that this was no big deal since I had done nothing wrong, to my knowledge. The officer approached. I stayed calm and complied. I handed over my license as soon as I was asked. When the officer asked for my registration, knowing I had to reach for it, I specifically asked the officer to shine the light where it was – better to be safe than sorry.

The officer informed me that my taillight was out. I had no clue. I resolved to get it fixed. After running my plate, I was let go and told to drive carefully.

I’m not naïve. Racism does exist. However, it’s nowhere near as pervasive as the left claims. Racism will never be totally eradicated in this fallen world. I’m sure any one of us can find or identify someone we know that has racist tendencies whether they’re white, black, Latino or Asian. But when I come in contact with a cop, I immediately place myself in his or her shoes. How would I behave if I had to deal with societies worst and most dangerous daily? Even if I had the most congenial personality, I’d be on edge, and so would you. Cops never know who they’re coming in contact with. Therefore, the onus is often on us to prevent a confrontation.

The majority of our men and women in blue, who risk their lives to serve and protect us, are no different than you and I. At the end of the day, they want to make it home to their families like the rest of us. Because I complied and remained calm with the officer that pulled me over, my nephew and I got to see our families that night.

Originally published at WND.com

CarlJacksonCarl Jackson is a radio talk show host – his web site is www.carljacksonshow.com. Media wishing to interview Carl Jackson, please contact media@wnd.com.

The views expressed in opinion articles are solely those of the author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by Black Community News.

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  1. Do you think that your nephew understood your 100% appropriate interaction with the white cop ?

  2. AMEN, brother! Well done with the “teachable moment!” “….my nephew and I got to see our families that night.” Hopefully, that white cop did also! 😉