If These State Attorneys General Get Their Way, Planned Parenthood Faces More Embarrassing Videos

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit barred David Daleiden from releasing more undercover videos of what goes on behind Planned Parenthood’s closed doors.

The founder of the Center for Medical Progress began releasing secretly recorded videos in 2015 that exposed the abortion mill selling the body parts of aborted babies. The videos reinvigorated the movement to defund Planned Parenthood.

Allegations included profiting from the sales and fraudulent donor consent from women killing their babies.

Daleiden and his colleague, Sandra Merritt, are facing felony charges in California.

Now attorneys general in 20 states want the U.S. Supreme Court to allow Daleiden to release videos from recordings at abortionists conferences. From Life News:

The [National Abortion Federation] filed a lawsuit against David Daleiden and his organization just weeks after he released videos showing Planned Parenthood directors negotiating the sale of baby body parts. NAF sought a gag order prohibiting CMP from releasing additional footage from its annual conferences, fearing public scrutiny of unethical and illegal business practices.

Federal Judge William Orrick, who previously served on the board of an organization that “partnered” with Planned Parenthood, issued the initial order blocking the videos.

In doing so, he held that Daleiden contracted away his First Amendment rights when he signed the non-disclosure agreement that NAF requires of all conference attendees. The abortion group does this to avert public relations disasters like that which followed late-term abortionist Martin Haskell’s unveiling of the new technique of partial birth abortion at a NAF meeting in the 1990s.

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