Is the IRS Scrutinizing Rocky Mountain Black Conservatives?

IRSIt’s on record that the IRS targeted right-leaning groups seeking tax-exempt status for extra scrutiny to a greater extent than liberal groups. In recent news, the Examiner reports that the IRS might be delaying action on a conservative group, Rocky Mountain Black Conservatives. Founder Derrick Wilburn believes his group is getting extra scrutiny because it’s conservative. He filed in October 2012. An excerpt:

Wilburn, who is also the founder of the website “black and conservative” had to wait for nineteen months to get the request for more information, despite the fact that the IRS website indicates that such requests are sent “within approximately 90 days of the date you received your acknowledgement of receipt.”

It is pure speculation as to why Wilburn’s application has taken such an unusually long time to process, as the IRS indicates that the “average date of pending applications is August 2013.”

The IRS might not be scrutinizing the conservative group, but it’s natural to assume otherwise. Its credibility is quite low.

The U.S. House of Representatives recently voted to hold Lois Lerner, who used to head the IRS’s tax-exempt division, in contempt for her part in the scandal.

Photo credit: mlangsam2004 (Flickr Commons)

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